Struggling to achieve your dream?

I've been there. Pulled in a million directions (at work and home), caring so much … but dead tired, overwhelmed, and unsure where to start.

What saved me was a coach. Someone who believed in me, helped me get back on my feet, and worked side-by-side to chart my path.

You can succeed at work, thrive at home, and make a difference in the world. Let's work together, so you can live the live you deserve.

Connect with Josh

Hello, I'm Josh.

  • Dad of four high-energy kiddos, that my husband and I adopted from foster care.
  • Former nonprofit CEO & Board Chair, working to build bridges across religious, cultural and political divides.
  • Pastor and chaplain, focused on guiding communities through tough transitions.
  • Meeting facilitator, helping companies and organizations set strategy, build teams, and bring their most ambitious dreams to life.
  • Coach, partnering with mission-driven people like you to make the biggest difference in the world.


"I've worked to help elect Presidents and Senators.
I've advised some of the world's most influential philanthropists.
I've helped the largest global corporations and brands become even larger.
I've worked with some of the best and brightest and count Josh as one of the most influential mentors I've ever had.

His ability to see and elevate people's strengths is unique and core to his DNA.
He can see both what's in front of him and what's beyond the horizon.

Josh has that knack for elevating people to exceed within the systems they're in while providing the encouragement and guidance to adapt or generate new systems.

And somehow, he's able to do all of this with grace, humility, respect, and patience. I fully recommend working with Josh in any way you can."

Jon Jones
Founder & CEO, Relation Agency